Assorted Links (6/26/2010)

Here’s a list of articles that I have been reading lately:

Notable & Quotable –

“Verizon CEO and Business Roundtable Chairman Ivan Seidenberg on government and the economy.”

The Keynesian Dead End –

“The Wall Street Journal argues that spending our way to prosperity is going out of style.”

Weekend Interview with Jim Flaherty –

“Mary Anastasia O’Grady interview Jim Flaherty, Canada’s finance minister and writes in The Wall Street Journal that Canada will lead the charge against new bank taxes and for spending restraint at the G-20 in Toronto.”

Seth Lipsky: Conrad Black and the Criminalization of Business –

“In The Wall Street Journal, Seth Lipsky notes that according to the Supreme Court, the media mogul Conrad Black was convicted on overly vague concepts of corporate fraud concerning the honest services statute.”

A Day of Prayer for the Gulf States

“The governors of Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, and Mississippi and the lieutenant governor of Florida, have proclaimed this Sunday, June 27 as a Day of Prayer for relief from all the problems related to the oil spill, especially for the people, animal life and economies of the affected states.”

Ensuring That Our Economies Remain Terror-Proof

“The heads of terrorism insurance programs decided to establish — under the aegis of the OECD High Level Advisory Board — a permanent international platform on the financial coverage of terrorism risk.”

Peggy Noonan: McChrystal Forces Us to Focus –

“Now General David Petraeus owes us a candid assessment of the Afghan effort, writes Peggy Noonan in The Wall Street Journal.”

Mark Moyar: Petraeus’s Opportunity –

“In The Wall Street Journal, this selection reassures our Afghan allies that the U.S. will not begin substantial troop reductions until the Afghans can handle the insurgents on their own.”

Pete du Pont: Generation Gap –

“The Kerry-Lieberman energy bill would enervate America, Pete du Pont argues in The Wall Street Journal.”

Jon Shields: Manute Bol’s Radical Christianity –

“In The Wall Street Journal’s Houses of Worship column, Jon Shields notes that sportswriters love to use the word redemption to describe athletic performances, former NBA player Manute Bol, shoed the true meaning of the word, and literally died for Christianity.”

Terry Anderson: Why It’s Safer to Drill in the ‘Backyard’ –

“In The Wall Street Journal, PERC executive director Terry Anderson notes that spills on land are much less dangerous and easier to contain than underwater.”

Kim Strassel: Business’s Buyer’s Remorse –

“In The Wall Street Journal, Potomac Watch columnist Kim Strassel reports that the Business Roundtable has finally figured out that the Obama administration has been playing them for a patsy.”

General McChrystal and the Culture of Exposure –

“The firing of Gen. Stanley McChrystal shows our troubling emphasis on private over public performance in public officials.”

Marginal Revolution: Not from the Onion: EPA Classifies Milk as Oil

“New Environmental Protection Agency regulations treat spilled milk like oil, requiring farmers to build extra storage tanks and form emergency spill plans.”

Charles Krauthammer – Afghanistan: The 7/11 problem

Charles Krauthammer argues, and I agree, that “President Obama was fully justified in dismissing Gen. Stanley McChrystal. The firing offense did not rise to the level of insubordination — this was no MacArthur undermining the commander in chief’s war strategy — but it was a serious enough show of disrespect for the president and for the entire civilian leadership to justify relief from his post.”

Should We Raise Taxes on the Middle Class? We Already Are

“Taxes are already rising to record levels, with or without legislative changes.”

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