Category Archives: Health Care Reform

Rationing and Rationality

In an article entitled “Rationing and Rationality”, the editorial staff of the National Review Online makes (what I think is) a profound observation concerning the nature of health care rationing:

“The view that medical care should be withheld from people based not merely on the likelihood of success or the cost but on judgments about the quality of their lives is no longer held only by a fringe. Practices that are at best close cousins to euthanasia have become widespread.”

Health Care Reform Readings for today (8/14/2009)

Here are links to two articles on health care reform that I read earlier today.  I particular like John Cochrane’s ideas about market-based mechanisms for addressing pre-existing conditions.  Earlier this week, a WSJ editorial entitled “The Truth About Health Insurance” noted, among other things, that “University of Chicago economist John Cochrane also argues that in a more rational individual insurance market, people could insure not merely against medical expenses but also against changes in health status. This kind of insurance would cover the risk of premiums rising as you get older and your health condition changes.”

  • The Great ‘Prevention’ Myth, by Charles Krauthammer
    Charles Krauthammer takes issue with the conventional wisdom that prevention serves the dual purposes of saving lives while saving money.  Like most conventional wisdom, this is wrong; overall, preventive care has been shown to increase medical costs.
  • What to Do About Pre-existing Conditions, by John H. Cochrane
    WSJ: “Most Americans worry about health coverage if they lose their job and get sick. There is a market solution.”

Man vs. Mutt

As Greg Mankiw notes, ” British healthcare is great…as long as you walk on four legs (see The author of the WSJ article, Theodore Dalrymple, concludes his article by noting,

“And what I want, at least for that part of my time that I spend in England, is to be a dog. I also want, wherever I am, the Americans to go on paying for the great majority of the world’s progress in medical research and technological innovation by the preposterous expense of their system: for it is a truth universally acknowledged that American clinical research has long reigned supreme, so overall, the American health-care system must have been doing something right. The rest of the world soon adopts the progress, without the pain of having had to pay for it.”


Health-Care Reform: Do Animals or People Get Better Care? – Theodore Dalrymple on who gets the better treatment, and what this means for U.S. health-care reform.

France Fights Universal Care’s High Cost –

Here’s a cautionary tale from a country that we seem to be trying to mimic in many other ways!

Here’s a cautionary tale from the country that we are trying desperately to mimic in so many ways!

France Fights Universal Care's High Cost –

Here’s a cautionary tale from the country that we are trying desperately to mimic in so many ways!
