A Beloved Professor Delivers The Lecture of a Lifetime

Usually when I open the Wall Street Journal in the morning, I don’t expect to have an emotionally moving experience. This morning was different as I read Jeff Zaslow’s article entitled “A Beloved Professor Delivers The Lecture of a Lifetime”. I then went to the online version of the Wall Street Journal and found a related article by Jeff Zaslow entitled “The Professor’s Manifesto: What it Meant to Readers”. Both articles tell the story of Dr. Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon University computer science professor who has pancreatic cancer and expects to live for just a few months. Just one week ago, Dr. Pausch gave what was billed as his “last lecture.”

Here are the (less than 5 minute) video versions of both articles:

A Beloved Professor Delivers The Lecture of a Lifetime

The Professor’s Manifesto: What it Meant to Readers

The full (1 hour, 25 minute) video of Dr. Pausch’s “last lecture” is available in Windows Media Player format from Carnegie Mellon University and also on Google Video.