I have been blogging since July 2004; I think of my blog as a place where I can freely explore the intersection of various topics which I am passionate about, particularly economics, finance, risk, insurance, and public policy. If you enjoy reading this blog, you may be interested in becoming a subscriber via RSS, Twitter, or email. Let me explain these options.
If you already are familiar with RSS, this is a great way to subscribe to my blog. By going to the http://blog.garven.com/feed webpage, you can subscribe by using Firefox’s Live Bookmarks feature, Internet Explorer’s RSS feed subscription feature, or an RSS reader. If you are a Twitter user, everything that is posted here also gets automatically “tweeted”, so this is also another convenient way to subscribe (to do so, point your browser to http://twitter.com/jgarven). Finally, you can also subscribe via email. The remainder of this blog entry explains how to subscribe to this blog via email.
Email Subscription Instructions: If you would like to receive this blog via email, you can do this by going to http://www.jimgarven.com/blog and entering your email address in the form provided on the right hand side of that webpage:
After clicking “Subscribe”, check for an email from “donotreply@wordpress.com”:
Next, simply click the “Confirm Follow” button. This will cause you to receive the following email:
From that point forward, whenever I post new content to my blog, you will immediately receive a nicely formatted version of the blog posting via email. Also, you can opt to change your delivery preferences, or even cancel your subscription.