Here’s a list of articles that I have been reading, podcasts that I have been listening to, and videos that I have been viewing lately:
Research shows we feel less stress at work than at home. So why can’t a home be more like an office?
“Average cortisol levels were lower in both men and women, single or married, parents or not, while at work.”
Remembering Tiananmen Square
“Only in Hong Kong will Chinese people be able to commemorate the dead. Elsewhere in China commemoration of the June 4th crackdown remains strictly forbidden.”
Texas Shines Bright in New Fortune 500 Rankings
“Fortune magazine released their annual list of top 500 U.S. companies on June 2. Not surprisingly, Texas-based businesses dominated the rankings.”
D-day landings scenes in 1944 and now – interactive
“Peter Macdiarmid has taken photographs of locations in France and England to match with archive images taken before, during and after the D-day landings.”
William Anthony Hay on Edmund Burke
“William Anthony Hay reviews “The Intellectual Life of Edmund Burke: From the Sublime and Beautiful to American Independence,” by David Bromwich.” Burke is a fascinating figure in US history; this biography of Burke seems quite worthwhile to pursue!
No Pain No Gain as Tattoo Regret Fueling Laser Removals
A new booming business – tattoo removal.
Buying Insurance Against Climate Change
“Because efforts to stop global warming may fail, one way to handle the financial losses is to share the long-term risks.” Interesting New York Times article by 2013 Nobel Economics Laureate Robert J. Schiller…
How I started writing songs again
Highly recommended! Quoting from the description of this TED talk, “Sting’s early life was dominated by a shipyard-and he dreamed of nothing more than escaping the industrial drudgery. But after a nasty bout of writer’s block that stretched on for years, Sting found himself channeling the stories of the shipyard workers he knew in his youth for song material.”
Hipster Health Insurance 101: Advice For When You’re Getting the Short End of the Stick
Hint: You overpaying so old folks can underpay is not how insurance is supposed to work.
The VA Scandal Is a Crisis of Leadership
“Obama’s inattention to managing the government may kill the progressive project, Peggy Noonan writes.”
My wife is not the same woman that I married – The Matt Walsh Blog
Although its author (Matt Walsh) has only been married for 3 years, this article reads like something written by a person who has been married for most of his life…
Yuval Levin on Burke, Paine, and the Great Debate
“Yuval Levin, author of The Great Debate: Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, and the Birth of Right and Left, talks to EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the ideas of Burke and Paine and their influence on the evolution of political philosophy. Levin outlines the differing approaches of the two thinkers to liberty, authority, and how reform and change should take place. Other topics discussed include Hayek’s view of tradition, Cartesian rationalism, the moral high ground in politics, and how the “right and left” division of American politics finds its roots in the debates of these thinkers from the 1700s.”