Category Archives: Humor

Derek Zoolander, spherical cows, the Guardian, and econophysics

Wonderful explanation of the logical fallacy associated with dismissing theories based upon modeling assumptions that are not literally true… HT to Scott Cunningham.

Derek Zoolander, spherical cows, the Guardian, and econophysics

In Zoolander, the titular character is presented with a model of a building.  He inspects the model and responds with anger and indignation:

Derek Zoolander: What is this? [smashes the model for the reading center] A center for ants?

Mugatu: What?

Derek Zoolander: How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read… if they can’t even fit inside the building?

Mr. Ginger

Here’s a shout-out to Mike Akel (director) and Felipe Adams (producer) for their web comedy series called “Mr. Ginger“.   To date, Season 1 consists of four episodes, and more episodes are in the works.  (Shameless self-plug alert – I appear briefly toward the end of episode 4 as someone whose job it is to help a student face his worst fear! :-))…

For the entire series to date, go to; this link provides a menu where you can select which of the four episodes that you would like to watch; you can also watch by simply clicking on the play button below.  I recommend watching all four episodes!

Ruining Christmas: An Economist’s Guide

Ruining Christmas: An Economist’s Guide – Forbes.

Quoting from this Forbes article, “… economists are the wet blankets of the world. We can ruin almost any proposal and almost any situation with just a couple of analytical tools and the words “unintended consequences.” The author of this essay “ruins” Christmas by looking at this beloved holiday through an economist’s lens…

Ruining Christmas: An Economist's Guide

Ruining Christmas: An Economist’s Guide – Forbes. Quoting from this Forbes article, “… economists are the wet blankets of the world. We can ruin almost any proposal and almost any situation with just a couple of analytical tools and the words “unintended consequences.” The author of this essay “ruins” Christmas by looking at this beloved holiday through an economist’s lens…]]>

China’s Official People’s Daily Quotes the Onion: Kim Jong Eun ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ – China Real Time Report – WSJ

China’s Official People’s Daily Quotes the Onion: Kim Jong Eun ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ – China Real Time Report – WSJ.

China’s Communist Party newspaper appears to have fallen for the Onion’s naming of North Korea’s Kim Jong Eun as 2012’s sexiest man alive. Read the full story here: