Here’s a list of articles that I have been reading today (organized by topic):
Economics and Public Policy
- How to Destroy American Jobs, by Matthew Slaughter
“Obama’s proposals for increasing the tax burden on U.S.-based multinationals would harm our most dynamic companies.”
- From bail-out to bail-in, by Paul Calello and Wilson Ervin
“…Paul Calello, the head of Credit Suisse’s investment bank, and Wilson Ervin, its former chief risk officer, propose a new process for resolving failing banks.”
- Stop! (from The Economist)
“The size and power of the state is growing, and discontent is on the rise.”
Foreign Policy
- Where Is America in Asia’s Future?, by Claude Barfield
“Recent events and trends within Asia may well portend a stepped up pace for Asian regionalism—and heightened danger that the United States will find itself on the outside looking in.“
- How to Make a Weak Economy Worse, by Amity Shlaes
“FDR’s war against business showed that a president must choose between retribution and economic recovery.”