Assorted Links (10/21/2011)

Here’s a list of articles that I have been reading lately:

How Steve Jobs Saved the Music Industry

“In The Wall Street Journal, Ed Nash writes that before Apple’s iTunes, the stealing of MP3 files was rampant and seemingly unstoppable.”

The GOP Wins by Bruising

“The debates have been an unexpected success, Peggy Noonan writes.”

No More Years

“Obama looks increasingly likely to lose, Pete du Pont observes. What then?”

Gadhafi and the Swindle of Dictatorship

“In The Wall Street Journal, Fouad Ajami writes that we needn’t dispatch our forces to all lands of trouble, but our burden of celebrating liberty on foreign shores endures.”

Who You Are

“As Daniel Kahneman’s next book comes out, let’s reflect on the pioneers who explored and authenticated the flawed terrain of our cognitive faculties.”

The Second Great Contraction: Kenneth Rogoff interview

“The economist and coauthor of This Time Is Different explains what history can teach us about the global downturn and why climbing out of it is still rife with risks.”

The GOP and RomneyCare

“The Wall Street Journal says the Republican front-runner’s principles should be tested.”

Blame the Fed for the Financial Crisis

“In The Wall Street Journal, Ron Paul writes that the Federal Reserve prolongs the financial crisis because it fails to grasp that manipulating interest rates is as destructive as any price control.”

Stricter Regulation Driving Expected Increase In Litigation

“Despite facing slightly less litigation in 2011 than in 2010, businesses in the United States and United Kingdom are seeing more regulatory actions and internal investigations, according to the Eighth Annual Litigation Trends Survey from international law firm Fulbright & Jaworski.”

EU Leak Shows Wind, Solar Energy to Double Power Bills

“According to a leaked European Commission report on the future of energy in Europe, the slow switch to greener sources of energy is going to push the cost of electricity through the roof.”

Are Employers Requiring People to Work Longer Hours?

“With fewer people working and those employed working fewer hours, it’s not surprising at all that the nation’s total hours worked dropped significantly, an economist writes.”

Those Cheating Teachers! A New Freakonomics Marketplace Podcast

“This year alone has seen teacher-cheating scandals in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Atlanta, and elsewhere; in this week’s Times, Sharon Otterman reports how New York State is trying to curtail cheating and offers some specific instances of past cheating.”

‘Too Big to Fail’ Is Simply Too Big

“In The Wall Street Journal, Jon Huntsman writes that Dodd-Frank needs to be reformed in order to remove the government’s implicit promise to bail out financial institutions that are deemed too big to fail.”

Cain’s Stimulating ‘9-9-9’ Tax Reform

“In The Wall Street Journal, Arthur B. Laffer writes that the new sales tax in Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s ‘9-9-9’ tax plan could be raised in the future—but so could any other tax, and Cain’s proposal would jump-start the economy.”

Your Cash for Their Clunkers

“The Wall Street Journal says another White House energy favorite hits financial trouble.”

Wi-Fi and the Mobile Meltdown

“In The Wall Street Journal, Business World columnist Holman Jenkins says that wireless hotspots may be the solution to the problem of a spectrum ‘shortage.'”

Lessons From and For the Class Struggle on Wall Street

“There is much to be learned from the Occupiers—and the Occupiers have much to learn …blaming “greed” for economic malaise is like blaming gravity for plane crashes”.

Two Signs that K-12 Education Monopoly is Crumbling

“Via Reason Foundation education policy analyst Lisa Snell comes news of two great developments in the liberation of kids (and their parents) trapped in public schools.”

The Great Restoration

“Behind the noise of our activist protest movements hums a quiet engine of determined Americans trying to repair our economic values.”

Obama’s Big Green Mess

“How the White House lost its eco-mojo.”

Unions To Wall Street: Die Yuppie Scum, But Do My Homework First

“Will Wall Street save public sector unions? The U.S. Post Office certainly hopes so. While union representatives were standing at the front door of America’s major banks, shouting about corporate greed and holding signs and blowing horns, the National Association of Letter Carriers chiefs were slipping through the back entrance for advice on restructuring their organization.”

Notable & Quotable

“French economist Frederic Bastiat writing in 1850 on governments justifying spending only based on ‘that which is seen,’ while ignoring ‘that which is not seen.'”

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