Daily Archives: November 13, 2012
Since 2009, right to work states created 4x as many jobs as forced union states and may have helped Obama’s re-election | AEIdeas
Since 2009, right to work states created 4x as many jobs as forced union states and may have helped Obama’s re-election.
Quoting from this article, “Since the recession ended in June 2009, almost three out of every four jobs added to U.S. payrolls have been in Right to Work states (1.86 million out of 2.59 million), even though those 22 states represent only 38.8% of the U.S. population (120 million). In contrast, only about one of every four new jobs were created in forced-unionism states (730,000), even though more than 61% of Americans live in those 28 states (189 million). Relative to their population, the Right to Work states have been job-creating powerhouses during the recovery, and forced union states haven’t even come close to “carrying their weight” in terms of their share of the population. Adjusting for differences in population, Right to Work states created four new jobs for every one job added in forced union states, because those 21 RTW states created 2.54 times more jobs even though forced union states have 1.6 times as many people.”
Most in US won't be able to escape 'fiscal cliff'
Most in US won’t be able to escape ‘fiscal cliff’ according to an AP story published this morning. Also, the Wikipedia article about the fiscal cliff is worth reading (@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_fiscal_cliff).]]>
Most in US won’t be able to escape ‘fiscal cliff’
Most in US won’t be able to escape ‘fiscal cliff’ according to an AP story published this morning.
Also, the Wikipedia article about the fiscal cliff is worth reading (@ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_fiscal_cliff).
Munger on John Locke, Prices, and Hurricane Sandy
Munger on John Locke, Prices, and Hurricane Sandy
“Mike Munger of Duke University talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about the gas shortage following Hurricane Sandy and John Locke’s view of the just price. Drawing on a short, obscure essay of Locke’s titled “Venditio,” Munger explores Locke’s views on markets, prices, and morality.”
Some post-election cheer and encouragement
Walter Williams on the topic "Free Market Morality"
Walter Williams on the topic “Free Market Morality”
“Is the free market morally superior or inferior to other economic systems? If it’s morally superior, what makes it so? If it’s morally inferior, do we need greater government control of the economy? Walter Williams, renowned Professor of Economics at George Mason University, faces these questions head on and with bracing clarity.”