Quoting from this article, “The efficient markets hypothesis is surely false. What is striking is that it is very close to being true. For the Warren Buffetts of the world, “almost true” is not true at all. For the rest of us, beating the market remains an elusive dream.”
The Human Toll of Violence in Gaza, Israel – The Numbers Guy – WSJ.
“Bombings in Gaza, and rocket attacks on Israel, leave death in their wake — as well as questions about how to count, categorize and interpret the casualty counts.”
Economics: Micro stars, macro effects | The Economist.
Quoting from this article, “ON THE face of it, economics has had a dreadful decade: it offered no prediction of the subprime or euro crises, and only bitter arguments over how to solve them. But alongside these failures, a small group of the world’s top microeconomists are quietly revolutionising the discipline. Working for big technology firms such as Google, Microsoft and eBay, they are changing the way business decisions are made and markets work.”]]>
Quoting from this article, “ON THE face of it, economics has had a dreadful decade: it offered no prediction of the subprime or euro crises, and only bitter arguments over how to solve them. But alongside these failures, a small group of the world’s top microeconomists are quietly revolutionising the discipline. Working for big technology firms such as Google, Microsoft and eBay, they are changing the way business decisions are made and markets work.”
Mr. Gates raises a number of interesting points about “…our shockingly low (college) graduation rates” – too bad he resorted to PowerPoint to make them!
Fascinating parsing of the data from the New Family Structures Study (NFSS) by UT-Austin sociology professor Mark Regnerus on the relationships between politics, religion, and sex…