Here’s a list of articles that I have been reading today (organized by topic):
Economics and Happiness
Are economics students happier? One estimation from Germany, by Tyler Cowen
Health Care Reform
Single Payer, Many Faults, by Joseph Rago
“Roger M. Battistella argues in “Health Care Turning Point” that the last thing the health-care system needs is more government involvement. His prescription: market competition.”
Obama’s Misleading Assault on the Insurance Industry, by John Calfee
“The president knows better than his demagoguery suggests.”
Why Health Reform Is Bad Politics, by Kim Strassel
“Contrary to all the theories, Democrats will not benefit from ObamaCare.”
Road to the Nut House, by Peggy Noonan
“You have to be crazy to run for president. Seriously, you do.”
Magic and Science
The magic of the placebo, by Eric Mead
“Sugar pills, injections of nothing — studies show that, more often than you’d expect, placebos really work. At TEDMED, magician Eric Mead does a trick to prove that, even when you know something’s not real, you can still react as powerfully as if it is. ”