Assorted Links (2/4/2011)

Here’s a list of articles that I have been reading lately:

Ronald Reagan at 100

“Being a good man helped him become a great one, Peggy Noonan writes.”

Charles Krauthammer – Toward a soft landing in Egypt

“The military can guide the nation to fair elections, with a little help.”

Robert McFarlane: Three Qualities That Made Reagan Great

“Robert McFarlane, former national security adviser to Ronald Reagan, writes in The Wall Street Journal that on Reagan’s 100th birthday, it’s worth recalling the character and leadership essential to presidential success.”

The West Wing, Season II

Charlie Rose and I recommend this New York Magazine article by John Heilemann, who with Mark Halperin recently coauthored a book entitled “Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime” (cf.

ObamaCare’s Repeal Has Begun

“This week’s Senate vote to scrap an IRS reporting requirement is the start of a piece by piece approach.”

Examining the Numbers Behind the Cost of Doing Business in the U.S.

“A close look at a study finding that regulation costs U.S. business $1.75 billion, with small businesses paying more per employee than big ones.”

Compassion Alone is Insufficient: Mind the Gap Between Intentions and Outcomes

“Meaning well” and “doing well” aren’t always the same thing.

Economics Saved My Marriage – Newsweek

From the author of “Spousonomics” (cf.… “

Robert Samuelson misunderstands

Excellent essay by George Mason University economist Russ Roberts on the political economy of the financial crisis.

Commercialized Sex and Human Bondage

“Most Americans don’t take slavery in America seriously, except as a matter of history. It’s something to recall, not something to witness with our own eyes. But if it ever really disappeared at all, slavery has certainly made a comeback.”

How to Tax the Rich

“Try giving them perks and privileges (an extra vote?) in return, says Dilbert creator Scott Adams.”

Fouad Ajami: Rebellion in the Land of the Pharaohs

“In The Wall Street Journal, Fouad Ajami of Johns Hopkins University writes that a man who places himself at the helm for three decades inevitably becomes the target of all the realm’s discontents.”

Will Charter Schools Cure America’s Blues?

“As the blue social model gradually falls apart and American society casts restlessly about for something to replace it, charter schools may be on the cutting edge of the social transformation about to take place.”

Charles Krauthammer – The old Obama in new clothing

“What America wants doesn’t interest Obama or stand a chance of becoming policy.”

A Two-Track Plan to Restore Growth

“Stanford economist John B. Taylor writes in The Wall Street Journal that our economic wounds are self-inflicted. Changing fiscal and monetary policies could make a difference fast.”

Can Our Nation Be Saved? 

Walter E. Williams writes: “National debt is over $14 trillion, the federal budget deficit is $1.4 trillion and, depending on whose estimates are used, the unfunded liability or indebtedness of the federal government (mostly in the form of obligations for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and prescription drugs) is estimated to be between $60 and $100 trillion.”

Target: ObamaCare

“Voters rejected it, writes Pete du Pont. Now Republicans must act.”

What Caused the Financial Crisis?

“In The Wall Street Journal, Bill Thomas, Keith Hennessey and Douglas Holtz-Eakin, three dissenting members of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, write that the commission is offering a simplistic narrative that could lead to the wrong policy reforms.”

Obama’s ‘Investment’ Charade

“In The Wall Street Journal, Stephen Moore writes that Milton Friedman warned that government spending cancels out higher-return private investment.”