Here’s a list of articles that I have been reading today (organized by topic):
Economics and the Financial Crisis
- Stimulus Spending Doesn’t Work, by Robert Barro and Charles Redlick
Wall Street Journal: “Our new research shows no evidence of a Keynesian ‘multiplier’ effect. There is evidence that tax cuts boost growth.”
Foreign Policy
- We can’t afford ambivalent president, by Ruben Navarrette Jr.
Fresno Bee: “Can you imagine an American president being afraid to use a word like victory? Does that mean that he is prepared to tolerate defeat?.”
- Obama’s more like a cat in this dog-eat-dog world, by Kathleen Parker
Orlando Sentinel: “Slowly, we’re beginning to understand what hope and change were all about. Translation: Sure hope this change works.”
- Obama, Dictators and democrats, by Daniel Henninger
Wall Street Journal: “How many rogue nations can President Obama hold in one hand?”
Health Care Reform
- GOP Antiabortion Provision in Health Bill Defeated, by Greg Hitt
Swiss Health Care Thrives Without Public Option, by Nelson Schwartz
New York Times: “Experts on the Swiss system suggest it would deliver much of what Washington is aiming to accomplish.”
- How the U.S. Government Rations Health Care, by Scott Gottlieb
Wall Street Journal: “The agency that would likely run the ‘public option’ was slow to pay for implantable cardiac defibrillators.”
Risk and Insurance
Driven to Distraction: At 60 M.P.H., Office Work Is High Risk, by Matt Richtel
New York Times: “For those who have turned their vehicles into wired offices, constant contact and work efficiency outweighs the risk of a wreck.”
- Understanding the Anxious Mind, by Robin Henig
New York Times: “Is the economy making you nervous? Or is it terrorism? Or could it be the way you’re hard-wired?”